Why change the Pure Echo?

Our main focus at My Green Mattress is not only to provide a healthy chemical-free mattress, but to also make it as comfortable as possible. Last year we upgraded our inner-spring unit to a posturized coil system to contour to the body better. This along with our ticking fabric made a bit firmer mattress. Well, with some customer concerns and product research, we felt it was time for a change! 

After numerous tests working with our fabric distributor and adjusting our quilting pattern design, we managed to gain an ideal soft sleep surface while maintaining the proper support underneath. And yes, our beds still are made with organic cotton and natural wool. Which means no flame retardant chemicals are needed.

Redesigned Pure Echo Mattress Jan. 2016

The model beds in our local showroom can testify that our customers are beyond happy as we sold out of our “sample” run and have pre-orders waiting to be shipped. (hang tight, they are coming soon)

We are so excited here and know you will enjoy a new Pure Echo in your household! 

(BTW, look for our updated website to launch soon)





Our New Arrival!!

Introducing our NEW ARRIVAL at My Green Mattress

Our newest product is now available for you to purchase just in time for YOUR new arrival! We are very excited to offer the My Green Crib mattress made with organic cotton and natural wool for just $249 with free shipping. It’s important to know that not all crib mattresses are made the same, and that choosing a crib mattress warrants careful consideration.

You know that new babies need love, attention, nourishment, and up to 18 hours of sleep each day to grow up healthy. We want to keep your baby safe and as close to nature as possible when he is sleeping all those hours (fingers crossed). Many conventional mattresses are made with dangerous flame retardant chemicals and petroleum based foams that off~gas and can cause sleep disturbances, allergies, and illness. We know you want something better!

Like us, you want to offer your little one the most non-toxic and natural products you possibly can. At My Green Mattress, we now offer our customers a crib mattress of the highest quality, handcrafted with an organic cotton and natural wool quilted cover. The wool acts as a natural flame retardant meaning your baby won’t be exposed to any dangerous flame retardant chemicals. We use a heavy batting of organic cotton to provide your baby comfort and a natural night’s sleep. The mattress contains a firm 150 coil innerspring unit with a supportive edge. (Recommended by the Consumers Safety Commision – http://www.cpsc.gov//PageFiles/129289/202.pdf)  And, we’ve made the mattress two-sided for longer wear and the ability to flip it in case of an accident or spill. All of our My Green Mattresses are proudly handcrafted in the USA.

Each crib mattress is made to order and shipped to your doorstep via Fed Ex within 7 days. We’re very excited about our new arrival and we hope you are too!

Perfect for your baby, the My Green Crib Mattress:

  • is handcrafted using organic cotton and premium wool
  • contains no chemical flame retardants
  • uses non-synthetic fabrics
  • latex free
  • free of polyurethane foams
  • passes all open flame testing required by law
  • is certified to be free of lead by UL Laboratories
  • Dimensions: 27.5″ width x 52.5″ length x 6″ height
  • Proudly Made in the USA


Crib USA



Organic Cotton – Better for the Earth and for the Environment


Thankfully, the importance of eating organic foods is becoming common knowledge. With links to cancer, infertility, mental illnesses and the like, ingesting the chemicals commonly used on foods is toxic.

What people are becoming increasingly aware of is that it’s just as important to make sure that what we surround ourselves with daily in other areas of our life is organic as well. Case in point: cotton. We come into contact with this material on a daily basis, be it clothing, various stuffed animals, blankets, sheets, tablecloths, furniture, mattresses, and towels, to name more than a few. Because its cotton we assume it’s safe, as it’s easy to take the fabric for granted, knowing it’s soft, natural and breathable. The truth is though, that if not organic, cotton is one of the most heavily treated fabrics out there.

“Conventionally grown cotton uses more insecticides than any other crop in the world. It is estimated that each year cotton producers use as much as 25 percent of the world’s insecticides and more than 10 percent of the world’s pesticides; an incredible amount for one just one crop”(Dietz, Huff Post Green).

These chemicals pollute our air and water supply, and have a grave effect on those working with or living around the areas where cotton is being grown and treated. Across all agricultural sectors, an estimated 1 to 5 million cases of pesticide poisoning occur every year, resulting in 20,000 reported deaths among agricultural workers and at least 1 million requiring hospitalization (The True Costs of Pesticides). Among the many documented cases, in one year in one spot alone (Alabama 1995), “240,000 fish died Shortly after farmers had applied pesticides containing endosulfan and methyl parathion to cotton fields and heavy rains washed them into the water”(Pesticide Action Network).

Unlike standard cotton, “Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. Organic production systems replenish and maintain soil fertility, reduce the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, and build biologically diverse agriculture”(Organic Trade Association).

By choosing organic cotton, you are choosing a material that is safer for the earth and for you. These days, untreated cotton is becoming more readily available in the realms of many industries, including clothing and bedding, but in others, like mattresses, it’s still hard to find.

Because cotton is so much a part of our lives, going organic may seem daunting at first, but it’s really quite simple. Start one item at a time. As something needs replacing, search and buy organic. The more the demand, the more organic cotton will be used, limiting the conventionally processed cotton and thus, the hazards that come with it. By demanding organic cotton, we are demanding health and safety for ourselves, for our communities, and for our earth.

We care about both the people working with our beds and the people sleeping on them; we use only organic cotton on our mattresses and we sell beautiful, soft organic cotton sheets to go with them. It’s a great place to start!